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Imaginary_Shelter_37 t1_jecd8e7 wrote

I have a friend who is around your age and is a server in a fancy hotel restaurant. She has benefits;i.e., 401k, health and life insurance, and PTO. She lives a low maintenance lifestyle by choice and makes enough to support her lifestyle. Every job has its drawbacks, but she doesn't have the kind of work stress that follows you home. No phone calls or emails after work, no waking up at night stressing over a crisis at work.

If this is what you want to do, I say go for it. The fact that you stayed home for years tell me that you are not a type A highly driven career person. That's not a bad thing and there's nothing wrong with the decision you made as a couple.

You should really take an honest look at yourself and your lifestyle and financial goals. If your desired lifestyle requires a high income, then position yourself for higher income. If your desired lifestyle requires greater happiness in a job/career, then determine if a lower income is sufficient.

Financial considerations would be housing (rent small apartment or buy large house), transportation ( OK with older basic cars vs fancy new car every three years), entertainment (Netflix vs clubbing), travel (road trips vs international travel), retirement (traditional age or early).

Once you consider all these things, you will have a better idea of what income is needed to live your desired lifestyle and you can determine how to proceed.

I know several people who went back to school after 35 and switched careers at 40. You may want to work as a server/bartender for a while until you figure out what you really want.

Edit: hit send too soon.