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WPMO t1_jegysjf wrote

Literally could buy a $1,000 bottle of wine every week and still have more than most people with a family of 3. There must be some incredible unnecessary spending going on.

For financial advice: Identify where your tens of thousands of unnecessary spending is


Pandasrqt t1_jegzuyk wrote

Based on OPs comment (his kid lives with the mom, not married) I'm assuming she's getting a nice child support check from him. But even with that, there should be thousands left over to cover all debts and then some every month.


Full_Prune7491 t1_jeh3ncq wrote

I have to pay child support except the kids and their mother, my wife live with me full time. I just don’t get to call it child support.

This guy makes so much money, has capital gains which means he made money when he sold his house yet is broke. None of this makes any sense. A guy like this usually says he just bought a new truck because he can’t ride his motorcycle because it’s raining and his other car is only for the weekends.

Stop spending money. Pay off your debts. No magic solution.