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maccc095 OP t1_jefhfna wrote

I found a couple 14 or 18 month CDs for 5%. Will also be opening a HYS for the rest of my savings, should I put it all in one bucket instead? Don’t need the money for the foreseeable future, no big purchases or anything down the pipeline. Haven’t touched the money in the 5+ years I’ve had it (bad I know I could’ve been making money on it)


Supersnoop25 t1_jefhw8j wrote

Basically you can't really make a mistake here. 5% cd is pretty good. Personally If it's some fixed income like this I like to have the ability to take it out whenever so I have a pretty large amount in money market funds. Basically cash sitting in an brokerage account making 4.5%.


CyanocittaAtSea t1_jegk64o wrote

Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it — everyone has their own starting point! And having saved 50k is no small accomplishment, so that’s something to be proud of on its own.