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1000thusername t1_iuaj94p wrote

LensCrafters may not be in network for you. I know it’s not for me (VSP plan), so you only get like 30 or 40% off and not the true allowance if you go there. If I go to someone in network, my glasses are basically almost free except for the premium coatings. The complexity of your prescription factors in too. Progressives cost more than single vision lenses, and stronger prescriptions on the feather weight lenses cost more, etc. There are a ton of factors.

It’s probably something like that, but we couldn’t tell you for sure without knowing the specifics of your plan and all the finer details.


Jamfour9 OP t1_iuavr8r wrote

It’s in network for me. My prescription isn’t complex. It’s -4.0.