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Sapphire580 t1_iukayj4 wrote

  1. Depending on how large the amount is, you could invest it, and have enough to live on the rest of your life and give yourself the opportunity to directly do charitable things for the rest of your life. Then you would know that his money went to the best possible cause and that 100% was used for the greater good

  2. You could go to your local hospital and find people that need the money for a life changing procedure, or to help out that don’t have insurance.

  3. I just had the engine blow up in my semi truck and have been out of work for 4 weeks waiting for a new engine to be put in. 4 weeks lost revenue plus around $20,000 in repair bills. I could use a little charity lol. I think we’ll be fine, but I’m sure there’s lots of people in your life directly that you could help, and they’d remember you for a long time for it.

Basically my point is the more you allow other people to control that money the more it opens up to corruption.