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itsdan159 t1_iuixkpx wrote

It doesn't have to be illegal, she legally accessed the money as she was allowed to by bank policy, but emptying bank accounts and fleeing to another state isn't going to look great in a divorce, which is what the commenter was talking about.


MDfoodie t1_iuiyfbx wrote

Which I described in a subsequent comment. However, there isn’t anything to sue for at this point (maybe assistance with coverage of rent)…people just love to comment that whenever something negative happens.


itsdan159 t1_iuj8mwf wrote

They didn't say sue either, just to talk to a divorce lawyer so they'd understand their actual situation and not what they think it is, or what a bunch of redditors think it is.


Sideways_X t1_iujclak wrote

A fair number have said sue, so I admit I made an assumption.