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saltypretzell873 t1_iui0e5j wrote

I did this exact same thing. It was great cause me and my fiancé both got to lower our monthly but kept our “continuous customer discounts” cause they just let you keep your same account. I thought it was so bizarre but reading this clearly this is their business modelc


estherstein t1_iujzwtk wrote

Counting down the days until my husband turns 25 to do this with Geico!


Ham_Council t1_iujcx97 wrote

Progressive dumps you into a risk bucket through their algorithms. As long as you are a customer with Progressive you cannot move risk buckets. So if you were a shit head or had speeding tickets when you first signed up you're stuck there. You can/should cancel and rewrite with Progressive to get into a different risk bucket. It can make a major different as we see two comments up.