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RelishMule t1_iu5kclh wrote

Its also super dependant on the FSA provider, too. I've had some that were super strict and would take weeks to process. My current one, if I am submitting for the same amount with the same provider each week, it gets auto-approved instantly.


ICUpikachu t1_iu5lvmy wrote

We had that too, but then the merchant changes something in their system and then it switches to requiring a receipt. Then the client calls in mad because it was approved just fine 10 other times and now it magically needs a receipt 🥲

My goodness I’m glad I left that team lol. I’m happy it all works for you though truly. I’m sure the majority of people it works fine with. Of course I’m going to get the bad examples because people aren’t going to call in to say “nothings wrong! Carry on!”