Submitted by ThrowAway13377242 t3_yf4yza in personalfinance

Never noticed this when filing insurance with employer in the past, but this year it's noticeable and I'm not sure whether to check the box Yes/No as I wonder if it will impact our bi-weekly paycheck heavily or not.

Anyone else in US have experience with this kind of option when filing for medical insurance through the company they work at?



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Blah12821 t1_iu1s19f wrote

I encountered that question this week. But it was one of several questions. The questions are used to help your narrow down your insurance options so they can suggest to you which plans may better suit your upcoming needs. It has ZERO to do with your insurance premiums.


maplesyruppirate t1_iu1rb8h wrote

My company's coverage quiz (to help you decide what plan is better for you) asks this, but the answers are yes or no/prefer not to say. Reason being that births and newborns are expensive, so maybe go with the more comprehensive coverage.


Mysunsai t1_iu1q6wv wrote

It doesn’t effect anything at all (or if it does, you should immediately get a lawyer and expect a fat legal settlement).


ahj3939 t1_iu1r1ki wrote

I would hope they are using it to just show you the best coverage for that scenario. It should not impact your payment at all, if anything what I would do is answer no regardless and read the coverage to understand what is best for your needs.