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SafetyMan35 t1_iudaehq wrote

We had to terminate employment for an employee and we documented it in a memo to the employee outlining where he was falling short and where he needed to improve. He signed the letter acknowledging he received it. We worked with him, but his attitude became worse and we ultimately terminated employment, but we documented why he was terminated.

The employee never filed for unemployment, so I’m not sure if it would have caused a denial, but the reasons were clearly documented


RightofUp t1_iudmgms wrote

Depends entirely on the unemployment judge.

If the "cause" was performance based, I usually watched my company lose its appeal to unemployment for a variety of factors.

If the "cause" was behavioral and opened the company to possible litigation (such as harassment), then unemployment was always denied.

In these situations in my state, the judge is the deciding factor, not the company or applicant.