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DaemonTargaryen2024 t1_itx5kwq wrote

Not saying it's not a tough shake, but that's the job, they pay you to meet those expectations.

OP should definitely start looking for a new job now to be safe, though if 80% truly aren't hitting targets then management isn't going to terminate everyone, they'll probably change the metric. They have to explain to *their boss why 80% of their people aren't hitting their numbers!


mountainman77777 t1_itx6gq5 wrote

It’s like hiring someone who’s 5’5” and then placing a requirement on them to be 6’3”. The concept is laughable when they’re ultimately powerless to meet the mandate.


tmoney144 t1_itx9vvv wrote

Call center jobs can be bullshit like this. I had a friend who was fired from a call center job because too many people who called wanted to cancel their service. Like, how is that under his control? What's he supposed to do? Just refuse to cancel their service? "Sorry, you're just going to have to keep paying your phone bill with us even though you got a new phone because I'll get fired if I cancel you."


badtimingg OP t1_itx746k wrote

Yeah I think they will have to change something cause a lot of people are struggling. We show up everyday and try our best while we have people screaming and cussing at us 24/7 and still try to make it the best experience and be as helpful as we can for these people.


mountainman77777 t1_itypco7 wrote

A difficult job to be sure. I don’t know how you do it honestly. Regardless of what happens your mental health will probably improve if you can get out of being someone’s punching bag for a living. Best of luck man