Submitted by badtimingg t3_yebn51 in personalfinance

So I do debt collection for a living and have been for many years now. Obviously there is usually quotas and goals to reach each month. Well I’ve been working with this company for 2 years now and the quota is getting harder to hit because no one wants to pay and everyday necessities are becoming more expensive with inflation. I haven’t hit my goal in 2 months because of this. It’s not that I’m not trying or that I’m not showing up I just can’t get people to pay because it’s either too much or they have an excuse and of course we can’t force someone to pay. My supervisor told me like 2 weeks ago she was going to have to suspend me but hasn’t done it yet I’m not sure why but I’m pretty sure that’ll mean im going to be fired at no fault of my own. Do I let them fire me or quit ?



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mountainman77777 t1_itx4kcy wrote

Being punished for someone else’s inaction seems like a pretty ridiculous situation to me. I don’t know what they expect you to do, you have no real authority to force anyone to do anything.

Are your peers having similar problems meeting their quotas? You can’t be the only one given the current environment. Maybe you’re just a target because of your relatively short tenure.

I wouldn’t quit unless I had something else lined up but in the mean time I’d certainly be looking for another line of work. Other consideration is that if you quit you won’t be eligible for unemployment.


[deleted] t1_itx4lou wrote

You should be looking for other employment now. If you find another job, you should quit this one for it. Otherwise, let your employer terminate you if that's what they want to do. Quitting means no eligibility for unemployment benefits. If your employer ends your position, you may qualify for those benefits or other help, like training programs and assistance getting another job.


ANinjaJawa t1_itx4q5i wrote

Check your companies policy around termination of contract based on quotas. If nothing exists its wrongful termination. Sue em and not work again


badtimingg OP t1_itx55km wrote

This is my exact thought. It’s crazy that a “quota” is a thing right now I mean look at gas prices and home prices etc. of course people would rather keep a roof over their head than pay some bill.

And yeah pretty much all of us are struggling to hit that number. There’s obviously some that will get there but 80% of staff is struggling.


WhileNotLurking t1_itx561p wrote

Start looking for another job. If you find one then quit.

Till then, let them fire you if they must. My guess is it is a bluff.


TotallynotaManChild t1_itx5afb wrote

Quit so basically make up the reason why you left for next company, or get fired for unemployment ben./ severence. I was just thinking this today, my job also has quotas and I'm failing so hard loool


badtimingg OP t1_itx5kk0 wrote

I’ve heard a lot of people with quotas just aren’t hitting their goals like they use too it’s crazy lol I hit my goal every month up until 2 months ago. I think I may just let em fire me for the unemployment


DaemonTargaryen2024 t1_itx5kwq wrote

Not saying it's not a tough shake, but that's the job, they pay you to meet those expectations.

OP should definitely start looking for a new job now to be safe, though if 80% truly aren't hitting targets then management isn't going to terminate everyone, they'll probably change the metric. They have to explain to *their boss why 80% of their people aren't hitting their numbers!


DontMakeMeCount t1_itx5xlw wrote

+1 for bluff, particularly if the quotas are uniform and you’re good at your job. Sounds like everyone would be having trouble meeting quotas if you are, the quotas are likely a means of suppressing compensation.

Either way you should be looking for a more rewarding, secure position. If your manager does not want or expect you to succeed then you probably won’t succeed.


badtimingg OP t1_itx6tcd wrote

Yeah a lot of us are struggling. I would say 80% of us. Usually I would have no issue reaching it I always have except these last 2 months and I don’t know if I will this month. But it seems like everyone is struggling and not making their #s like they use too.


badtimingg OP t1_itx746k wrote

Yeah I think they will have to change something cause a lot of people are struggling. We show up everyday and try our best while we have people screaming and cussing at us 24/7 and still try to make it the best experience and be as helpful as we can for these people.


tmoney144 t1_itx9vvv wrote

Call center jobs can be bullshit like this. I had a friend who was fired from a call center job because too many people who called wanted to cancel their service. Like, how is that under his control? What's he supposed to do? Just refuse to cancel their service? "Sorry, you're just going to have to keep paying your phone bill with us even though you got a new phone because I'll get fired if I cancel you."


sfdragonboy t1_itxcgj7 wrote

Sorry to hear this. I am sure you are trying your best. Shit, wait until they fire you. They may bitch and moan but frankly they can't find a good experienced replacement who can handle that kind of stress for long anyway!!! So, F them, MFers!!! I take these things personally since I had an issue with a past employer too. Arse wipes. Good luck! Maybe it doesn't hurt to be looking too I guess and/or at least have your resume updated.


benauna t1_itxd1sa wrote

Yea dude could sneeze wrong and be fired for it lol (I don’t actually know if that’s grounds for firing) but I do know not meeting quotas is grounds for firing at an atwill state, don’t matter what the quota actually is


badtimingg OP t1_itxffh8 wrote

Thanks so much for the comment! Yeah all of us are trying it just sucks cause everyday the management lowkey tries pushing you to do better by threatening everyday that you are gonna lose your job when in reality I have no control over if someone wants to pay THEIR debt or not. It’s already bad enough getting yelled at everyday for s*** that isn’t your fault but to also have management be little you is wild.


ManicMarket t1_itxhk77 wrote

Do you like the job? Just me, but I can’t see how that wouldnt be good for my soul. Doesn’t mean anything about you… just assume most people would struggle with that job. Youre being given a quota to collect money that others don’t necessarily have. It sounds like an uphill battle from the time you pick up the phone. I’d imagine if you have the stomach for that job you could readily go work for another company doing sales just about anywhere. The biggest obstacle in sales is salespeople being timid. If I was in your shoes (because I don’t know you) I’d be hoping to find a sales job where I was fixing peoples problems and helping them avoid getting to collections.


Logger351 t1_itxkgp5 wrote

This sounds like an awful company. We have collections people at our workplace and would never set a quota. All that is so dependent on the economy and outside forces. You can’t force someone to pay. If you’re doing your job and making the calls and doing the work, there’s no reason to fire you. I’d start looking for a job now.


CherryChocolate928 t1_ity60pn wrote

It may be time for a new job. Don’t quit - let them fire you (if you don’t find a job in time). Put yourself out there and see what you find.

Only when you sign the offer papers for your new job, should you quit your old one.


mountainman77777 t1_itypco7 wrote

A difficult job to be sure. I don’t know how you do it honestly. Regardless of what happens your mental health will probably improve if you can get out of being someone’s punching bag for a living. Best of luck man


TotallynotaManChild t1_itzhkx4 wrote

Times are tough man. Management sets near impossible 1 to 1 quotas with our workload, while prices of everything going up and wage being stagnant. I see people not staying back in the office anymore after hours. People just lost motivation I guess