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GameHat t1_iu81sxh wrote

Honestly, what you are doing already sounds really good. I think you're probably already planning better than most people.

Double check your emergency fund. You want to have enough in liquid assets (cash or bank savings account) to cover your family for 3-6 months if something drastic happened and income went to zero. If you already have that, disregard..

Past that - if you are already maxing roth and doing a good amount into 401(k) - can either of you contribute to an HSA? That might be the next best tax-advantaged account to max.

Past that, you max 401(k) and then start contributing to to a standard brokerage account. Sounds like you've already got a good handle on all this.


findingnemo202020 OP t1_iu938uk wrote

So my husband has the option for an HSA, but they aren't kidding when they say high deductible. Just him is 4k with an OOP max of 8k. I envy those whose "high deductible' plan is 1-1.5k.

I've gone back and forth with it, especially since it's his open enrollment. I love the idea of the HSA but I don't want something catastrophic to happen in the meantime (while building up tye HSA) and wipe us out.

Also, a baby would have to go on his insurance (mine is too expensive to add family members). I do not love the idea of an infant on an HDHP.