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Dorkus_Mallorkus t1_iuj55lq wrote

The major downside is risk. A single stock can easily tank and you could lose most or all of your investment.

Whether it's worth it often depends on how much of a discount or match they offer, and whether you believe the company is stable enough to maintain or grow its stock price.

My company has a 50% match for all stock purchases, which is amazing, so I bought a bunch over the last 10 years. It had gone up and all was well....then Covid hit and my industry went to shit and the stock went from $60 to $8 overnight. I lost over $20k just like that. It's back up a bit now, but even with the match factored in I've still lost money.


stuchainz92 OP t1_iuj5lmd wrote

That is a good consideration, thank you! I’ll say I don’t have the budget to do more than ~$100 per paycheck so at least I wouldn’t be losing a ton if it goes south. If it helps offer any insight, the company is stable and growing and in the finance sector.