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b2getto t1_iui7ezi wrote

Go rent and live on your own. At 565k net worth and 30 years old, it's astounding that you're living with your parents. Living alone won't help you grow financially as quickly, but it'll help you grow emotionally and mentally.

Honestly in shock that you have more than half a million and you're still with your parents


tryinghardtolive92 OP t1_iui7q13 wrote

My mother and grandma dont come from money at all and said to travel and take risk and chances while im living home which is their gift to me.

I want to move out but dont see how paying 2.2k a month to do the same thing im doing now is worth it from a financial standpoint but emotionally yes i agree


Stl-hou t1_iui89qc wrote

I know people who have lived at home even longer than 30 (cultural).

What is the pressure you have?? Who is pressuring you? It sounds like it is self-inflicted. If you buy a home, you will still have pressure, in a different way (to pay the mortgage, fix broken things, replace roof, etc). Just relax and don’t overthink.


tryinghardtolive92 OP t1_iui8k7b wrote

I am myself to be honest. I had opportunities in 2018 and got cold feet cause i felt i wasnt good enough. Now i feel like i miss the boat and im not sure how to let go of the regret. It's depressing me and keeping me up at night.

I think once i have the house i can move on to the next goal and not worry anymore.

I am over thinkint cause i wanted this for so long and feel like where i live makes it nearly impossible to get one that works financially


Stl-hou t1_iui93p9 wrote

You don’t have a deadline to buy a house. It is not like you are getting kicked out. Just wait until real estate settles down then re-evaluate. You are in great shape financially.


tryinghardtolive92 OP t1_iui99dp wrote

I just hear this voice in the back of my head that i can do more and should be doing more. Like a fire in my belly telling me go go go do something more


Stl-hou t1_iuiajy4 wrote

How is your social life? You are already good with your finances, obviously good habits got you to this point in that regard. Maybe concentrate more on your social life (not meaning blow money away).