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SpiritualCatch6757 t1_iui2ot0 wrote

  1. Sell the car.
  2. It bears repeating, sell the car.
  3. Say a third time because you've been ignoring it from other replies on it. You cannot afford the car at your salary even if you had zero debt. Buy a used vehicle for cash, $3000 - $4000
  4. Invest 5% on TSP to get the match
  5. Pay off debt, however, you like. Highest interest first or debt snowball.
  6. You should be able to pay off your debt if you go rice and beans gung-ho in ~6 months.

Good luck, OP. Rich people drive paid off Toyotas and Hondas. Poor people lease BMWs and Mercedes.


haanalisk t1_iui5us1 wrote

Tbf some rich people also drive bimmers and benzes. Some people just like a nice car. Some of those rich people by used ones that have lost most of their initial insane value. Some lease them and have them as company cars.


Knipfty t1_iui9wyh wrote

This pretty much nails it.

Dave Ramsey would say to stop your retirement savings while you are in debt. I tend to agree but many people argue over it. Either way.

And it does bare repeating, that is way too much car for you. So please sell it.