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MarcableFluke t1_iy2qns2 wrote

Can you afford the payments without ending up in dire straits? Yes.

Is it a good financial decision? No.

Will the excitement of having that new expensive car fade well before the payments do? Most likely.


jcastro777 t1_iy2rrx8 wrote

Not sure what car OP is considering but that last one depends on the car I think. If he’s trying to buy some luxury SUV to fit in at the school kiss and ride then probably, but my bmw M6 is a couple months from being paid off and still makes me smile every time I peek in the garage.


Bozenkaaa t1_iy2sciq wrote

I’m considering getting the new M3 with a 6 speed manual. I had the previous gen m3 and sold it during the pandemic and have regretted it ever since.


jcastro777 t1_iy3smb5 wrote

Honestly if you can find one for MSRP I’d say do it, they’re awesome to drive and very reliable from what I’ve heard.