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MarcableFluke t1_iy2qns2 wrote

Can you afford the payments without ending up in dire straits? Yes.

Is it a good financial decision? No.

Will the excitement of having that new expensive car fade well before the payments do? Most likely.


jcastro777 t1_iy2rrx8 wrote

Not sure what car OP is considering but that last one depends on the car I think. If he’s trying to buy some luxury SUV to fit in at the school kiss and ride then probably, but my bmw M6 is a couple months from being paid off and still makes me smile every time I peek in the garage.


Bozenkaaa t1_iy2sciq wrote

I’m considering getting the new M3 with a 6 speed manual. I had the previous gen m3 and sold it during the pandemic and have regretted it ever since.


jcastro777 t1_iy3smb5 wrote

Honestly if you can find one for MSRP I’d say do it, they’re awesome to drive and very reliable from what I’ve heard.


nozzery t1_iy2qvwt wrote

No, buying this car is a really bad financial move. You can still do it, people make bad financial moves all the time. Don't do it. Or do, but you will definitely look back on it with regret


Bozenkaaa t1_iy2rq3g wrote

Appreciate the response. Are you saying this specific purchase is a bad financial move or all automotive purchases? How much do you think I’d need to make a year where this car wouldn’t be a bad financial move?

To provide a bit more context, I sold my fun car during the pandemic as I was able to get very good money for it but automobiles are pretty much my only hobby. I tried experimenting with other hobbies but never found anything I loved and I’m really itching to get back into a fun car again.


rip1980 t1_iy2qx8x wrote

Beyond the finances, look at what the vehicle is and does. I personally daily a higher end lux coupe. It's great, but useless at Home Depot, etc. Bear that in mind if you are planning on a house, or any tiny humans, etc. for the next few years.

Also, in some places, it's poor form to upstage the boss's car.


Bozenkaaa t1_iy2rhav wrote

Thanks for the advice. The car id be getting would be a sedan but I pretty much use my gfs crossover for chores, etc.

I do agree on your second comment and that has worried me a bit. I do live less than a mile away from work so I was thinking about just walking/biking to get the exercise and just hide the fact that I bought a nice car from my coworkers.


HuckleberryRound4672 t1_iy2rshw wrote

Wait so if you use your GFs car for chores and you can bike to work then why do you need a new luxury car? (Genuinely curious)


Bozenkaaa t1_iy2s9ep wrote

I should have included this but cars are pretty much my only hobby. I sold my old car during the pandemic and have regretted it. Wanted to get back into something fun again.


HuckleberryRound4672 t1_iy2sqep wrote

Ah ok. As a non-car person, buying a car worth a year of your take home income sounds bonkers. Seems like an expensive hobby haha. Have you factored in the new insurance premiums too?


jcastro777 t1_iy2s02d wrote

You can afford the car, but it may negatively impact your debt to income ratio when it comes to buying a house. If you only need a car for transportation and you happen to kinda like a new luxury SUV that costs 80k, I’d probably pass. However if it’s a car you’ve been dreaming about owning for awhile and makes you smile every time you see one on the road, I’d say go for it. A car for me is a purchase too expensive to be something that doesn’t make me turn around and smile whenever I’m walking away from it in the parking lot.


PersonalityProper596 t1_iy2syp1 wrote

This is the wrong sub to ask, over-indulgent car purchases are frowned upon.

But yes you can afford it, question is if you should. That’s a personal decision


fforBrilliance t1_iy2vqh6 wrote

Just wanna make sure OP has thought through these questions -

Not sure which industry you are in. Any concerns for job security in 2023's recession? What's the insurance/maintenance/repair cost for this car? What's your future mortgage will be like? Can you afford mortgage+car payment?