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zk2997 OP t1_iyaby1a wrote

They don’t mention anything about free money in the benefits guide unless it’s a standard for all plans that I’m unaware of. That would be a game changer of course, but I don’t see it here.


Baby_Hippos_Swimming t1_iyac759 wrote

I'm not sure where this $1200 figure comes from, my company is definitely not contributing. I just pay a lower premium.


edamommy_ t1_iyah00a wrote

It’s not standard, employers often give this as an added perk. It’s $1,200 because that’s the IRS limit of what an employer can contribute (but only if they do opt to contribute).


steveliv t1_iye8qgh wrote

Not sure you are correct on the $1200 limit, as my employer contributes $3000 total ($750 per quarter). The only limitation is the max $7300 for Families and $3650 for a single person. Keep in mind both employee and employer contributions are included in those max amounts.


edamommy_ t1_iyetwdv wrote

Ah gotcha! I wonder why so many have that same amount then.


steveliv t1_iyeucsc wrote

just a coincidence perhaps, but it does equal to $100 per month


Interested_Redditor t1_iyac7mr wrote

It's in every HDHP.

I had to fight for it a couple of different years, but it's a required thing for an HDHP.


stratigary t1_iyacn6k wrote

I have an HDHP and I definitely don't get a $1,200 contribution from my employer.


coneslayer t1_iyad8qb wrote

No it isn’t. My wife’s HDHP contributes $750/year and mine contributes zero.


dcdave3605 t1_iyad7qr wrote

Definitely not. Completely depends on the employer


KookyKrista t1_iyaihru wrote

Definitely not. You are eligible for an HSA (emphasis on ACCOUNT) when you have a HDHP, but your employer is under no obligation to contribute to that account on your behalf (although many do).

My experience is two different employers that put $500 annually in your individual account ($1000 family). The replies in this thread show a range of employer contributions, starting at nothing.


steveliv t1_iye8zm3 wrote

Has this been the same employer or different ones? Your employer can choose to contribute $1200, but it is not legally mandated, and an employer can choose to have no contribution.