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MinistryofTruthAgent t1_iybbie5 wrote

And… if you invest 3K every year into a HSA… at 8% growth you will get 285K tax free at 55…. Lol


KookyKrista t1_iybftcb wrote

…65, and it’s only tax free if you use it for health expenses (which, admittedly, shouldn’t be an issue at that age). If you withdraw for other reasons (after age 65), you pay the tax.

I agree that it’s a fantastic investment vehicle and that’s why I max mine…especially because my HDHP will always cost me less than my PPO, even in “high cost” years. But in OP’s case it’s just not that clear cut, and they mentioned they still have some runway on their regular retirement accounts.


MinistryofTruthAgent t1_iybil9e wrote

Everyone needs healthcare whether you like it or not even at 35. It can also be used for vision and dental.