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Prolingus t1_iy86eua wrote

Regardless of what the outcome is here, one lesson you are learning right now is to never use your debit card online. Or ever, really.

Also, I think you need to look at the situation with less hostility toward the bank. Wells Fargo isn't trying to screw you over. You screwed yourself by entering your debit card info into a sketchy website and are now hoping Wells Fargo will bail you out.

I understand it is going to leave a bad taste in your mouth, and you are free to move to another bank. But that isn't going to make the money reappear. Continue to do whatever documentation is needed, file a police report, do everything asked of you by WF in hopes they reverse the charge. But most importantly, use this as a learning experience to make sure it doesn't happen again.

I am sorry this is happening to you, and I am sorry this reply was so blunt.


Jonny24v01 OP t1_iy9fmbk wrote

I strongly agree with that, no longer using a debit card unless its at a actual store using a pin. I wouldn't consider it a blunt response. For the people defending Wells Fargo, they have horrible fraud monitoring and this is the first time i had to reach out to them rather than them notifying me of suspicious activity. There are scandals they have been involved in, which some i know has been personally involved. They are going to send me the paperwork that led them to their decision in 30 days. They initially said they didnt have any until i asked if they actually did a investigation as required by law. After a long hold they miraculously have something they are going to send me something after 30 days


Siphyre t1_iyb1h8v wrote

> I strongly agree with that, no longer using a debit card unless its at a actual store using a pin.

This is what gets you into trouble. NEVER MEANS NEVER. Stop using it. You can get skimmed and your pin taken.