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DJ_DD t1_iycynnw wrote

Hey so I’ve been in your shoes when I was younger. At times I worked a second or even third job. If you have a goal your trying to save up for then it’s only worth it up until you reach that goal. So if want to save some money to move out, calculate what your target is and then estimate how many months you need to pull the extra work for and do not go past that. Burnout is real and you’re young and have plenty of things to enjoy that won’t be an option to you when you’re older. Just an example of what I did. I was working full time and my buddy and I wanted to backpack Europe over a summer. I needed an extra $6k. To do this I got a job as a barback, one shift a week on Friday nights. I worked Monday through Friday 8-6 at my regular job and then worked 7-3am at the bar. I did this for 6 months and reached my goal and then quit the bar job. Those 6 months were brutal, I essentially had 1 day off to recover and didn’t go out and hang with my friends much at all. But it got me to my goal and it was worth every hour I lost for the experience. So main take away - find your number, hit it, and then decrease your hours would be my advice.