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Arbor- t1_iyd8kr1 wrote

Reply to comment by theducker in 2nd job at 18, worth it? by RoyalHaza

But how?


Axumite2031 t1_iydb2q3 wrote

Gain entry level experience, update your resume and apply to similar positions.


theducker t1_iyds5ko wrote

There are as many different answers to this as there are different people or jobs. But to put it super simply learn how to do something that people need done, and not everyone can do.

I personally believe a formal education (either through traditional university or a more trade based education pathway) is the best choice for a large majority of people.


ran0ma t1_iydp8v8 wrote

Well I’m not that person with those specifics, but just my own example using that, 10 years ago I was 21 and working at a restaurant for $7/hour and then also as a desk admin at $8/hour. So in an 8 hour shift I’d earn $64. To earn $64/hour, that’s about 130k wage, which isn’t unrealistic for a 31 year old in their career. I’m not there lmao I’m at 80k but a lot of my peers are at 6 figures