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halifire t1_iydmwkc wrote

Yep. The father was the one who committed the fraud and thus needs to be held accountable. When acting as a POA you have a fiduciary duty to do right by the principal. By taking on 90K plus in credit card debt without benefiting the principal is probably enough to show an abuse of POA. As an attorney OP should be in a better position to look into this herself instead of asking Reddit. The only recommendation we can give is that she should probably consult an attorney that focuses on this type of issue.


woodstock99forlyfe t1_iydqr3l wrote

This is definitely a trend here, there are so many posts that go

"I entered into insert extremely serious legal agreement but it didn't work out the way I want. There must be a way to walk away scot free now right?"


halifire t1_iydn4sa wrote

Also to add to this depending on the circumstances being forced into signing a POA might invalidate the entire document. Since this happened so long ago it will probably be very hard to prove coercion.