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a_latex_mitten t1_iydt9o6 wrote

I'm trying to be extra careful about the amount of money so as to not tempt any crazy redditors. He'd probably be quite upset with me if I told him I presented this issue to a random reddit audience lol. I don't think he cares about the cash itself, but I don't know for certain. This is to say, if he were to bite on the safety deposit box, he'd probably bite on just putting into a savings account - which he also has (to my knowledge).


invenio78 t1_iye1uev wrote

Ok, so I will presume the amount is in the millions.

The risk of the money being lost in fire/flood/etc is a concern. Simple theft is also a concern as burglary is not that uncommon.

At the end of the day, it is his money. He can make a fire with it if he wants. I would just present your concerns and at the end of the day, he will have to make the final decision. What else can you really do? He can also consider buying something with value (like property, precious metals, etc...) Maybe he just wants it in something he can touch?