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Kirrby357 t1_iyakad1 wrote

38 is young. Depending on where you live, 44k is not great. Do you have a good driving record? Any chance at getting commercial driver license? A vocational night school to go to? Putting your name in line for a local labor/construction union? There is a lot you can do to improve your income. 2k in debt is NOT that bad. There's light at the end of the tunnel and you have plenty of time!


MikeWPhilly t1_iyazyet wrote

I would say listen to this + Contranovae. There are a lot of union jobs that pay well from commercial drivers to even USPS (they are hiring in a lot of parts of the country). Even a state/fed job would be a good option.

As to retirement as Contranovae said it’s very easy to retire in other parts of the world.

So yes it’s a bit foolish to cash out. Focus the time towards new job opportunities.