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greyAbbot t1_iyf7kjr wrote

Do you have a reason to believe that dividends would be a hedge against inflation? If so, what is it? Because I don't know of any. Perhaps if you explain why you think so, we could respond.

The only other thing I'd say is that, while it's great you're getting started on your Roth, 3 portfolios is already a large number to be dividing 1000 by, and adding a 4th would seem to add more fiddling than could possibly be worth it. If you value your time, you'll cost yourself more in lost time than you would make by maximizing the average gain of diversification.

When you're starting out, by far the most important factor in your future wealth is how much you contribute, not the exact allocation you use. Personally, I'd just go with one index fund until I got to about $10k.