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micha8st t1_ixxkb4q wrote

I'm a little confused. 3 weeks notice to work from the office? Have you been living too far to commute? Is the 1391 rent place too far to commute to the office?

My rule of thumb I heard way back in the dark ages was no more than 1/4 of gross salary for rent. 1/4 of 6.4k = 1.6k.


Novax___Djocovid t1_ixxkkqq wrote

they gave us 3 weeks to return to the office. yeah I was almost 2 hours from the office. The 1391 is the place I moved to that's close to my office.

>My rule of thumb I heard way back in the dark ages was no more than 1/4 of gross salary for rent. 1/4 of 6.4k = 1.6k.

makes sense, but why gross and not net?


9pmt1ll1come t1_ixxlc24 wrote

25% tax, 25% savings/retirement, 25% housing, 25% living expenses.


ITinMN t1_ixxl03q wrote

Ah, I've done 2-hour commutes before.
Granted it was via public transportation (and something that only would have been around 40 minutes otherwise), but still, it's not like you're in Kazakhstan or something.


micha8st t1_ixxlqsv wrote

The idea of the rule-of-thumb is to use as a guide - as an upper bound. Lower, of course, is better.