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spysnipedis t1_iy4gpby wrote

Lol, you messed up. A lot of companies have a hard starting point on salaries, they just want to know if you will be OK with that number and not waste time with someone wanting 20k a year more. If I asked that question and got your answers I would be like this guy can't answer a simple question why should he work here when all his answers sound like some YouTube police audit guy


NotQuiteGoodEnougher t1_iy4trt1 wrote

And a lot of states (40%) specifically made it illegal for employers to ask your past salary history. So it's important to know what state the OP is in. Because there are many employers breaking the law, that are either doing it accidently or on purpose.


reclaimingmytime t1_iy67r0p wrote

Absolutely this. It’s not like HR has no idea what the position is worth. They can throw out a range to see if you’re both aligned.

If they want you to name your current salary, it’s so they can lowball you, period. And as far as I’m concerned, OP dodged a major bullet. There’s a reason this shit is illegal—it’s exploitative as hell.

Employers are the ones hiring, they can name their range. And if they refuse to—wtf are they hiding?


Brincey0 t1_iy558r5 wrote

>It's more than just wanting to know whether a candidate is in range for the role, otherwise they would state the range. It's also to avoid paying far more than a previous salary.