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sephiroth3650 t1_iye0dqg wrote

Your partner proves his income by filing taxes and formally claiming the income. If he's doing everything under the table, he can't really prove anything.


ofmiceandmermaids OP t1_iye127q wrote

I know. We are trying to figure out how to properly prove his income.


sephiroth3650 t1_iye355v wrote

Your partner proves his income by filing taxes and formally claiming the income. Consult an accountant if you're unclear on the best way for him to file taxes at this point.


ofmiceandmermaids OP t1_iye3iz8 wrote

I know now I need an accountant. He said it's always been hard to keep up with because he gets random amounts of cash daily. We are trying to figure out how to properly keep records of what he makes.