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ofmiceandmermaids OP t1_iyef8gn wrote

I know it's wild I was shocked too. And when we first got together he was basically spending it as fast as it came in. But we got that under control. But he has no debit card or credit card. He has a Venmo account and a debit card linked to that but that's it. I just found out he keeps the money hidden all over his house. Funny enough for a stretch of years he was in and out of jail in his early 20s so we don't have to worry about taxes there. Also from what I gather he doesn't even know if he has a credit score. The place he rents now he pays his landlord cash for. We definitely need to sort this out before I legally tie myself to him in any way. I've spent too long build my finances up. I love him but no one ever taught him any of this and he's very lost.


SmallBoxInAnotherBox t1_iyeg6l6 wrote

get him hooked on finances and saving and the security you feel from a financial saftey net and itll all work out. this tax thing is interesting thats square one then get him a real bank account. there is a financial flowchart in the wiki somewhere he should conquer step by step.


ofmiceandmermaids OP t1_iyegr3j wrote

He told me that now that I'm in the picture he's serious about saving and setting up our future. I showed him everything I have set up and now he wants it too. The tax thing surprised me. I asked him the same question ten different ways to make sure I was understanding right. I knew that him not having filed taxes for 11 years was bad, but I had no idea where to even start. I've gotten some good advice though and we have more research to do now that I have a direction. I'll have to check out the flowchart. Thank you!