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dmoralesrcc OP t1_iyac0lc wrote

Car has 170k miles on it and it’s a 2017 Sonata. It was a rental car before my aunt took it in and then I took over the payments from my aunt (terrible idea I know). I didn’t start delivering until september of this year so all those miles were actually before doordash. Carmax appraises the car at 3k and I owe 10k.


AlwaysBagHolding t1_iybahyo wrote

Check with multiple dealers and see if you’re eligible for the class action warranty extension on those cars. Hyundai was sued over that engine and extended the warranty out on it and replaces tons of them for free. People actually seek those out for sale with blown engines and haul them directly to the dealer to get them replaced for free after they buy it.

It’s not really something that’s advertised much on those.


Werewolfdad t1_iyaea5x wrote

Is the loan in your name? If not, give it back to aunt. Sucks for her tho

Is the $3k value with a blown engine? Or is it with zero now? If zero, you’d need to buy a -$30k car to support that much negative equity.

And spending $30k to avoid a ~3-5k engine replacement is not a good idea