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lolskrub8 t1_iyemdmd wrote

Start building up passive streams of income. You should keep a safety net anywhere from 3 months to a year of income (I’m sure you can find more concrete values on this sub) and everything else should be invested into some sort of passive income earner for retirement. I’d personally recommend starting an investment account. Unfortunately you don’t have a lot of time for the interest to start accruing, but it sounds like you have a good amount saved already so congrats on that!

Honestly it sounds like you could use a financial advisor. There’s a special type you want to get, called a fiduciary, which long story short essentially means companies can’t pay them to push certain brands, so they act solely in your best interest. Don’t take the advice of random strangers on the internet too seriously, 100% your best course of action is speaking to a professional.

I would ask them about IRAs, investment opportunities, and how to manage your savings to effectively prepare for retirement. Best of luck!


scarletpetunia t1_iyentc0 wrote

Yes, that is what I am thinking. I think it is 100% time to talk to a Vanguard rep. Husband is very indecisive so we have been spinning our wheels and now its time to get going with this.


lolskrub8 t1_iyeo27v wrote

Sounds like a good plan. Be safe out there. And anyone on here who tries to message you personally likely is trying to scam you. Don’t let your good work go to waste, we’re all strangers here and a healthy distance is important on the internet.