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planetarylaw t1_iycqr4z wrote

I had the exact same thing happen except not with Quest but a hospital. They jerked me around for two whole years about needing this thing then that thing (same BS about checks and copies blah blah blah). The power tripping billing manager even insisted I refer to him strictly as MISTER Barnes each and every interaction I had with him. I finally got in touch with the hospital's patient advocate and she got the entire issue corrected for me by the next day. Amazing. Unfortunately I'm guessing Quest doesn't have something like a patient advocate. I do know there's a state board or commission you can contact though, as that was going to be my next step if the patient advocate route didn't work.


FatchRacall t1_iydnbyp wrote

>patient advocate

This is my first request for a direct line any time I consider going to a hospital or a clinic associated with a hospital. And it's the first call I make when I have a problem that takes more than 15 minutes with anyone else at the hospital at this point. It's not worth my hundreds of hours being bounced from person to person. Maybe I'll spend the extra 20 minutes getting insurance on a 3 way call with them, but after that it's just requests for them to CC in their supervisors. Once I had a 40 email chain forwarded to the CEO of the hospital himself and, let me tell you, they don't want or need to be involved in a $2500 overpayment dispute.


Kintsukuroi85 OP t1_iycr95f wrote

Do you know what that board is called?


lucky_ducker t1_iycxkrb wrote

What state are you in? Google <state> insurance board commission and something should come up.


Kintsukuroi85 OP t1_iycxote wrote

PA. It’s not my insurance who screwed up though. Is that still the correct place?


dj184 t1_iyd6sua wrote

Yes your deductible is a part of insurance