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GordaoPreguicoso t1_iydlqje wrote

Quest is a bunch of shady groups tied together where no one can help because they can’t see it in their system. My wife has been fighting them because she was sent to collections for a bill that the insurance paid. They say they need her explanation of benefits which she emailed in March and never heard anything back until the collection letter. So we called back again and since it’s gone to collections she needs to speak to this other person. That person says we need to fax the eob which she does. She calls back a week later and no update on her account and no one can tell her who she actually faxed because their number is an 855 one. So after getting passed around, put in the “queue”, disconnected, and no help we have 0 hope that the last person she talked to is actually going to do anything. When my wife asked what dept she should ask for when calling back the lady would just say she was billing. Which we know isn’t true because her fax was not the 855 one that billing swears is the only one.


Kintsukuroi85 OP t1_iydm4pz wrote

Such a mood, I completely and totally understand. This has been on and off for months. I don’t know how they sleep at night scamming people and treating others so poorly. Please refer your wife here, as people have made a lot of great suggestions!