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Lets_Go_Blue__Jays t1_iyd4tnu wrote

I once had a "40 hour a week" salaried job (managed car rental locations) the 40 hours only applied to my staff and I was expected to work 60+ to "minimize employee expenses" I got paid a cut of the profit which is how they made it seem beneficial (as lower employee cost = bigger profit) but was 100% predatorial in regards to having most managers be young and not know any better.


MarcusP2 t1_iyd4yxo wrote

Very typical in retail work when you become a 'management trainee'...... Your hourly rate becomes terrible.


Lets_Go_Blue__Jays t1_iyd5myz wrote

Funnily enough, my former employer had everyone start as a management trainee. Even the CEO and VPs we're all management trainees at one point. That's how they sold the dream (every major city had at least one guy making over 1mil/year and district managers making 150+)