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JerryLeeDog t1_iya5ojt wrote

Step one, cut the cards up immediately and unsave them from your electronic wallets

Step two, set up a STRICT budget. Sell your car and buy a $2,000 Civic, cash, if you have any car payment at all. Start bringing your lunch to work etc.

Take small steps every single day to save.

If you ever have CCs again. PAY THEM OFF EVERY DAY THERE IS A BALANCE and you'll never be in debt.

If I don't have money, CCs don't get used. I have a savings account for a get me by between pay checks. Do not use a CC as a bridge, ever.

GL dude, seems like hell now, but $1k at a time and you make pleeenty to recover from this. I made $30k-50k from 2010 until 2020 and I bought a $400k house and saved $100k in retirement in that time. Baby steps ever single day