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Nitesen t1_iyaae1y wrote

Doesnt the SF area have a massive homeless population? There’s always room for a tent, SOMEWHERE.


MinistryofTruthAgent t1_iyai23t wrote

If Op has a vehicle they can live in it.


Nitesen t1_iyai9ev wrote

That’s the thinking! However, they might take the vehicle as part of the bankrupcy.


MinistryofTruthAgent t1_iyaiud7 wrote

Can’t take the vehicle if you’re living in it.


Nitesen t1_iyaj46w wrote

Can i buy a nice house, rack up debt, file bankrupcy and live in said house because, i live in it so they cant take it? Hm.


MinistryofTruthAgent t1_iyakv3a wrote

Actually yes. In a Chapter 7, as long as your payments on your house are current, they can’t take your house. I believe Chapter 13 bankruptcies as well have these protections.