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Concerned-23 t1_iydxkfy wrote

Thanks for the support with the car, I feel I’m being chewed out for that. My current car was a bad rushed decision when my old one died and I was a broke soon to be grad student. I’m trying to avoid a rushed car decision with this one on the fritz which is why I’m looking to get a new one before the current one officially dies.

As for the house, we have a large dog which makes renting very difficult. Most places charge $100+ a month extra in rent for our dog. Our current rental is a small 2 bedroom and we are bursting at the seams. Not only are we bursting at the seams but our landlords don’t fix anything and we just come home and hate where we live due to it. We’re ready to own something that’s ours that we can repair our own and make it ours. We’re spending more and more time and money out of the house because our current rental just doesn’t work for us.