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CoolNebraskaGal t1_j2c41bz wrote

Edward Jones won't steal your money, but over time they will leech money from your portfolio without actually adding much value at all. You can maybe work with them more cheaply by keeping the funds you buy as low cost as possible, but EJ's entire business model charges a very large premium to "be hands off". People are very bad at judging financial advisors, because they can only analyze their effectiveness based on vibes. They trust them, they like them, they answer their questions and check in on them. They have no idea how to really determine if they bring more value than another institution or advisor.

No one in forums like this is going to give you positive feedback on EJ. Hating on EJ is their favorite pastime. And not undeserved. You just have to accept that you are paying a high premium for very little in return. You will still be well off because it's hard to screw up saving and investing for your future. But you will have less money if you pay out the ass for extra fees and higher expense ratios, which is exactly what you're signing up for with Edward Jones. You can look at expense ratio calculators to see for yourself, you may be shocked to see how much those fees add up (and that isn't including front load fees, or any other fees they charge you for the pleasure).