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mt06111 t1_j2ddqzj wrote

Take a screenshot of the message that says it.


Ilivedtherethrowaway t1_j2dy3yu wrote

Then draw around the bit that says $3.25 with a red outline and a big red arrow pointing at it. People only see what they expect to see, sometimes you have to make it obvious


DeathTacos t1_j2e0ekj wrote

In advertising we call this a BFA (Big Fucking Arrow). Sometimes you get done with a design concept and the client says something like, “I don’t know. Our message should pop more.” Slap a BFA on there and call it a day.

Open up newspaper ads (if newspapers still exist) and you’ll be amazed at all the BFAs being used.


Rustled_some_jimmies t1_j2e1mdn wrote

Truth... Look at damn near every trending YouTube video thumbnail. It's insane how many arrows there are. I cant stand it.


PM_ME_UR_POKIES_GIRL t1_j2e2uq6 wrote

Shocked face on the right, icon or image that hints at the topic of the video on the left with a BFA pointing


jabba-du-hutt t1_j2e5ox3 wrote

"What's wrong with my wife's body image?" BFA and circles with shocked hubby on thumbnail.

The couple vblog then is them talking all about something else never even mentioning her body image. Sigghhh


hutacars t1_j2e7r60 wrote

And a title that gives no clue as to the video’s content whatsoever.


ggouge t1_j2e9v8z wrote

I stop watching youtubers as soon as they start using clickbait titles. Because i know their content is about to take a nose dove.


TheMartinG t1_j2eaivs wrote

I hate the “shocked” faces and refuse to watch any video with one in the thumbnail.

80 percent of the things I search on YouTube shouldn’t require a persons face at all


thegroundbelowme t1_j2e9rpk wrote

I do a lot of UI design, and every now and then there’s a need for a very similar approach: the Big Fucking Button. 90% of your users not noticing the little “start here” link after setup? Sounds like you need a big fucking button!


YesICanMakeMeth t1_j2eaqxk wrote

I've noticed a lot of time I'm using something and I think "man this interface is shit" it's because all of the buttons are the same size. I'm looking for the button that does whatever the primary purpose of the program is and subconsciously expect it to be big. I use a lot of niche software made by like 3 people (none of which are UI designers) so it's a recurring theme.


comicidiot t1_j2e4ee2 wrote

u/Melodic_Language_890, you should also run it through the Internet Archive so if they quietly update it to 3.25% there’s at least a record of the $3.25.


surftherapy t1_j2e6fi5 wrote

Guarantee you they’re getting someone to rewrite the page as we speak to say 3.25% instead lol


[deleted] t1_j2e7wqb wrote



0fficerRando t1_j2e8kpv wrote

This is for "echeck" which is ACH, a free service. Echecks commonly have a fixed fee because the processor doesn't charge based upon the amount.


techcaleb t1_j2e8xz6 wrote

Ah yeah, I missed the last where it was ACH. Disregard.


-tired_old_man- t1_j2e7mhi wrote

Seriously, it probably took OP longer to write this reddit post than it would have been to send a screenshot with his original complaint letter.

This is a typo, not tyranny.

Don't attribute to malice what could be attributed to stupidity.

The person answering support email probably has no control over the software used to manage the content of the website. The fact they can't find the typo also shows they are kind of dumb and careless at their job.