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UKnowWhoToo t1_j2e4z5t wrote

I dunno, it helps filter out bad waitstaff pretty quickly. But I don’t think poor performance of a job should be paid the same as high performance, which I know is counter to Reddit culture.


Spiritual-Chameleon t1_j2e5zd3 wrote

There are some studies that found that tipping isn't necessarily related to quality of service

Edit: interesting to see down votes. Here's an excerpt from academic research; "other studies have failed to find a significant relationship between tipping and service evaluations (Bodvarsson & Gibson, 1994; Crusco & Wetzel, 1984; Lynn, 1988; Lynn & Latane, 1984; May, 1978)"

And from the Freakanomics podcast:

"Lynn’s research shows that tipping is an unfair way for workers to be paid, because personal characteristics like a server’s race, gender, and appearance factor too much into customers’ tipping decisions."


TacoNomad t1_j2e6b4z wrote

I bet it filters out good waitstaff faster than bad. Anyone who is decent but relying on customer attitudes to pay the bills will go find something that pays steady.
