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hugznotthugz t1_j1q0k9j wrote

The $300k is recent (less than 6 months). Explanation of the debt: we experienced job loss + 50% pay cut during Covid, childcare is expensive where we live ($2500/month—no family and friends where we live so it’s a necessity), we had to move during all of that too (for the new job—no reloc) which is what wiped out our prior EF and put us in the hole. Our CC debt is on 0% interest which is why we didn’t knock it out quicker in favor of investing and building back up EF. And we are absolutely on a budget and getting back on track but still feel very behind because of everything that happened in past 3 years. Again we live in HCOL area, we are not buying furs and eating lobster every night.


alwayslookingout t1_j1r2a40 wrote

I’d probably consider stopping your investments beyond company match to pay off your highest interest loans first.

You’re behind but you do have a great income but also a lot of debts. I’d also try to build up your e-fund in a much shorter time than 12 months.