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AdditionalAttorney t1_j28wab1 wrote

What really helped me was starting to use a budgeting tool (I swear by YNAB r/YNAB).

Bc it makes your day to day goals and priorities much more clear. Like do I value lattes or Ubers more…. How do I pay for vacations if money is tight etc…

It’s also made it really easy to understand how much my current lifestyle costs.. this includes the ebbs and flows of maintenance and emergencies (I’ve been doing it for a few years so have the days)…

Bc I know what my lifestyle costs it’s much easier to feel confident to invest more at the end of the flow chart bc I feel confident there aren’t a lot of major things I forgot abt…

And for things in X years idk about… well chances are once I decide I want it say a wedding or a downpayment… I can shift towards saving for it …. Anything 5 or more years kit isn’t worth keeping in cash. You could do a CD ladder or i series bond if you’re nervous abt putting too much in the market