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CWO_of_Coffee t1_j6idaez wrote

If you cannot come up with the difference right now to sell it, the only option is to wait until you have the funds to cover it. If you’re interest rate is over 6% then look into the SCRA and submit your orders to the loan company so they can cap the interest rate to 6%. Your recruiter could help out if the loan company needs some other documents proving your service if you don’t have your orders just yet.

Put the car in storage status with the insurance company and set up auto pay.

You won’t spend a dime in boot camp and more than likely you’ll be finished with about $1500+ after the two loan payments. It’s a rough number and I’m assuming that you’ll be an E-1.

I’m not sure where your MOS school is but some of them over a certain length allow vehicles. It’ll be up to your command and you would have to find out when you get there. There could be a waiting period to start school so there’s a chance to take leave to head back home and that might be the good time to sell the car. Unknowns aren’t fun but that’s sadly the military life. Some things are guaranteed but others will be figuring it out as you go.


octotron3000 OP t1_j6iffz0 wrote

It's 14% and I will start as an e3 in submarine computer electronics, my school is pretty long with no break after basic. And no it's not fun this is super stressful.


looncraz t1_j6ilcer wrote

Find out what CarMAX will offer, you can do it on their website. If the price is enough then clean the car out and take it down there to sale. Someone at CarMAX will be willing to take you home, most likely, or plan on using Uber.


octotron3000 OP t1_j6it68r wrote

I've only had it since September, is it too early, could anything in my contract prevent this.


HitsquadFiveSix t1_j6jatbl wrote

Wherever your payments go to you can view a copy of the promissory note and that would tell you it's a loan. If it's a lease then you will have access to the contract from wherever your payments go to and the contract would tell you 'lease' or not


looncraz t1_j6iy7lp wrote

It's not a lease, right? Only you know the terms of your loan, but I would be surprised if it prevented you from selling the car and paying off the loan early.


octotron3000 OP t1_j6izj47 wrote

What is the difference between a lease and loan? And where on my paperwork would thus be specified?


iluvcats17 t1_j6mklgj wrote

Why would you buy a new car in September with plans to enlist? This is not logical. Adjust your thinking going forward so that you can get ahead in life.


octotron3000 OP t1_j6n0kq5 wrote

Figuring out a new car was a scam was my final straw to make me want to join, I want financial dependence and the guidance to make the right decisions. I'm tired of being a stupid civilian.


iluvcats17 t1_j6n7gl1 wrote

That is good to hear that you are changing your money mindset. I would just continue making the minimum payments for now. Once you receive your enlistment bonus, pay down your loan to what you can sell the car for. Then sell your car.


octotron3000 OP t1_j6nw72a wrote

I think this is going to be my best option and also the last time getting a loan for anything, I'm ready to simplify my life, I can't wait for the options I get from the military, thank you for your suggestions. I hope I never need to make a post like this again.


qdog69 t1_j6j88e6 wrote

You might want the car at your Tech School