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nkyguy1988 t1_j6k8xe9 wrote

It makes no sense to me, and I'll never understand your logic on refunds. It's my money so I want as much of it to invest on my terms as soon as possible. I would also invest it things that actually have a long term return and not other cash instruments.


ProudNativeTexan OP t1_j6kb3md wrote

Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it even if it doesn't align with our thoughts. This is how we learn things!


TyrconnellFL t1_j6k8mxx wrote

It’s not optimal, but it’s okay.

I think it’s easy to have extra cash-strapped stress during the year because of having that money locked up in future refund. If there is no stress, it’s relatively unlikely that the “windfall” of the refund will be a meaningful difference. If you enjoy the gift to yourself later, sure, enjoy it.


ProudNativeTexan OP t1_j6kar8f wrote

We are finally in a position where we don't stress about finances. We aren't wealthy but we can pay our bills and have a little money left over.


radalicious123 t1_j6k8wd8 wrote

It's fine. So much ink gets spilled arguing about this when it's just not important in the big picture.


Werewolfdad t1_j6k9do0 wrote

> Anyone other than me think this is ok?

If youre properly saving it doesn’t matter.

The problem is the people carrying 30% credit card debt for a full year getting a refund.


ProudNativeTexan OP t1_j6kad8x wrote

I handle the finances for the household and I pay the CC balance weekly. Closing date on the card is the 16th so I try to time purchases around that time. Even if the month ends with a small balance at closing it is immediately paid. It's been many years since we actually paid interest on a CC.


1trillion69 t1_j6k9kex wrote

I dont think it's ok and it has nothing to do with refunds or investing etc. My money is my money, and f*ck the government for wanting any of it, much less to then refund it back to me. I am a big believer in "if we have money to help out other countries, then we have been overtaxed." I'm notsaying we shouldn't help other countries but I feel like it should be included as an option in our taxes. I wonder just how much would be used overseas then?

This is just one example of why I would never "loan" the government money. There are many more but of you are happy with it, that's fine too. I have renters who have told me they are happy renting from me. And I'm happy to keep collecting income from them.


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