Submitted by Ok_Masterpiece_4305 t3_10q3tif in personalfinance

I've tried searching but haven't found a thread that seems to directly address what I'm looking for.

We put most of our expenses, with the exception of some recurring bills, on credit cards that get paid off monthly. Does anyone have a software recommendation for something that will link to our credit cards to bring in daily transactions that can be coded to specific budget categories (or chart of accounts) BUT also shows cashflow projections with estimated/accurate credit card payments on a specific date. Basically I want to see how our budget is looking during the month based on daily CC transactions, but I want the cashflow projection forecasted using a total CC invoice amount on the date we pay Capital One/Chase vs bringing the individual CC transactions themselves into the cashflow. It would need to allow for multiple credit cards, as my husband and I use different cards.

Editing to add - I have tried YNAB in the past, and it's not quite what I'm looking for.



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andrew_the_geek t1_j6o3shs wrote

I've used Mint for about 13 years now and currently tracks about 20 accounts. We are almost exclusively on CC too. Not sure if it will do exactly what you want for cash flow projection, but the Budget feature shows you what is left over based on current spend and the income/expenditure budgets you define.


ajlm t1_j6nwwz3 wrote

I’ve been using Quicken for several years for budgeting, I think it would do what you are asking for.


FlyOnTheWall137 t1_j6o0r5b wrote

I like personal capital. It gives a pretty nice dashboard, but may not be quite as advanced as what your looking for.


Ok_Masterpiece_4305 OP t1_j6oc9t1 wrote

Can it do future cashflow estimates by looking at expected income and recurring payments (with estimated dollars) based on invoice due date?


FlyOnTheWall137 t1_j6oev80 wrote

It has historic cash flow based on prior month expenses. If your getting the same expense every month at the same time, then it should be somewhat close.

It does the same with income.


Blackdragon1400 t1_j6noo1n wrote

Checkout YNAB - something to know about all "budgeting" software, nothing is going to do everything automatically for you. There's a lot of value in checking YNAB every day and being on top of your spending and catagories


Ok_Masterpiece_4305 OP t1_j6nqf8r wrote

Sorry, I should have included in my OP, but I have tried and didn't like YNAB.

I will absolutely code/categorize the transactions on my own, but I want them brought in but not included on my future cashflow projection by transaction. I want the "out" in my cashflow projection to be the estimated or actual credit card invoice amount (I can calculate/enter my own estimate) and not the daily transactions.

I may just have to make my own spreadsheets, but was hoping there was already something out there with this.


tamudude t1_j6ntrvh wrote

Have you checked out Quicken? Their Windows product has quite a comprehensive set of features....


frcaol t1_j6on4fn wrote

I had the same need and ended up building my own google sheet. Once a year I enter all fixed recurring transactions for the year (e.g. rent, subscriptions, estimated utilities etc.) as well as all future credit card payments using sumifs that update as I enter daily transactions with a column flagging which card I used. It's not for everyone as you do need to enter all transactions manually but once you get in the habit it's actually not that much work at all and you have very accurate visibility into your future cashflow so you know exactly how much you can spend.


Ok_Masterpiece_4305 OP t1_j6onvzq wrote

This is great to know; thank you! I came across something called TillerMoney on the sub, and it looks like combining that program's ability to pull in transactions + its flexibility/integrations with Google Sheets is probably my answer to find something "perfect" for me. I can make/modify a spreadsheet where my CC and bank transactions will hit my budget categories, but my cash flow for checking will take into account the CC bill itself. Just don't want to recreate the wheel if I don't have to, ya know?


frcaol t1_j6osftn wrote

Fair enough! I looked at Tiller but the 79$ a year price tag discouraged me in the end and adding transactions to my google sheet is just part of my routine now. Good luck!


Aikidi t1_j6ournp wrote

You Need a Budget syncs I believe?


Gooner6 t1_j6o74js wrote

I've been using for a little bit and so far I've enjoyed it. Currently only available on Mac/iOS though.


fishj227 t1_j6oaqk5 wrote

simplifi by quicken is great


JMan0380 t1_j6oegn6 wrote

What is it that you like better in simplifi compared to quicken? I was looking at them just yesterday.


fishj227 t1_j6of6a7 wrote

never used quicken but simplifi was what i switched to from rocket money and I've found it easy to work with and an overall smooth experience


KReddit934 t1_j6nz5tu wrote

YNAB...handles credit cards that are paid in full each month really well.


RedReina t1_j6opy3l wrote

This may be your experience, but it certainly isn't mine. I have ynab because I require auto-import. I've been on both MX and Plaid. There is no time where all of my major bank card imports are working, there's always at least one that won't sync. It's American Express this month again.


Aikidi t1_j6oux6d wrote

Tbh that's more on Plaid than anything I'd think. I haven't gotten Plaid to work with my main credit union (despite it being listed in their available banks) ever, to the point that I opened a checking account with Ally just to have something that worked.


KReddit934 t1_j6papa3 wrote

I was referring to the way YNAB both subtracts the purchase from the category and simultaneously sets it aside for paying the card on the due date.

Import is a mess everywhere, not just YNAB, and is a problem that we should be pressuring our banks to fix rather than blaming the apps. How many of us contact help for the bank or CC and complain that it won't import into YNAB?