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Pyroburner t1_j6pewmx wrote

In my experience job hopping is the best way to get a raise.

On average studies show people typically get a 3-4% raise. This isnt a rule but it's generally accepted for the standard yearly raise.

Companies treat employees like cellphone providers treat customers. They are unlikely to try and keep you but they will do anything to get someone new. Even with employers struggling to hire.

I've worked with several companies who seem to accept people will start here to gain experience, leave and return on a few years to double their salary. People who stick it out tend to make significantly less.


Jwing01 t1_j6pi9o5 wrote

3% is an average value amount, but disproportionately more of those are at or below 3% with fewer of them substantially over, shifting the average. The median experience is under 2%.