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Swissgeese t1_j6jqy0b wrote

Good advice on the car. But you need to reconsider the ring. You are currently bit financially stable. Getting married without stable finances could be a bad decision.


JFB187 OP t1_j6ju0bi wrote

Appreciate your concern, kind redditor!

Actually, as opposed to most of the postshere on this sub, I’m currently in the most stable and lucrative financial situation I’ve ever found myself in. My long time girlfriend and I both have stable good paying jobs and we’re home owners. I’m just trying to maximize my resources, if you will, and make the best long term decision as far as the vehicle goes given the current price of cars. Reddit generally has some pretty smart people lurking beneath the surface!


Colorado_love t1_j6p5wkd wrote

I think the folks posting these types of comments need to re-read the OP.

It seems to me OP is very smart with their money and was asking for advice on what to do.

They had an auto accident. They gave the options they were provided, and asked advice on each one.

That’s smart. Not unstable.

Unstable would be “I got in an accident and I know my premiums insurance are going to go up but should I buy a Range Rover or the new Tahoe? And will they take $500 down so I can use the rest of the payout from my totaled car to get my partner a ring?” OP was total opposite of that analogy.

Smart people wouldn’t go out and buy a brand new car right now. Unless maybe you’re raking in the type of money where you can live in this economy and save up $50k for a basic new SUV or crossover vehicle. Paying cash, of course.