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Werewolfdad t1_j6lgfby wrote

> I can barely grasp the idea of what an index fund is

A bunch of stocks. Often, all the stocks.

(effectively anyway. If you buy VTSAX or FZROX or VTI, you own a basket of all the US stocks)

> I don't know if what I am considering doing is feasible

Saving some is better than saving none.

>And even if I manage to open IRA, I don't really know what to do.

buy index funds and wait 40 years

>. Do I constantly have to buy index funds?

Only when you contribute new money

>Can I just throw money into it regularly and forget about it?


Should explain it


NannerPanda OP t1_j6lh489 wrote

Should I even be looking into an IRA if I don't have a retirement fund? Granted, I don't particularly care about being alive that long. If I'm old and my senses start going, just pull the plug :P


Werewolfdad t1_j6lh786 wrote

> Should I even be looking into an IRA if I don't have a retirement fund?

An IRA is a retirement fund


NannerPanda OP t1_j6lhtnq wrote

See this is why I'm so lost. I appreciate your patience very much ;_; thank you


czarnar t1_j6llt7v wrote

You're not lost, you're here! You made it. Step 1, complete!

The next step, step 2, is a bigger step. Education. We are all learning, because all of our lives and situations are all different and always changing. The terms you are seeing here and in the link above, look them up and start to learn how the different elements map to your situation. A big thing you'll hear is making a budget and outlining your goals. Both will help you here too.


NannerPanda OP t1_j6loje1 wrote

I appreciate this thank you. I've been diving into the wiki that was linked earlier. Mainly looking at Roth IRA and I-Bonds and thinking about how much money I have. I already keep track of my expenses on a spreadsheet so I know if I'm wasting money, if I have enough room to spend money, etc. Not exactly budgeting but it's something.

Thinking about...
- Savings for expenses under a year (emergency fund, or if something comes up)
- I-bonds for expenses past a year (down payments on a new living situation, battery for my car, potential trips, etc.)
- IRA for retirement

Man, money things are so complicated. ;_;

EDIT: Thinking of brokerage accounts with low cost index funds too but the tax stuff scares me. I don't want to invest and then suddenly have to pay a whole bunch of taxes ;_;


czarnar t1_j6mt0k2 wrote

If I were in your shoes, I would start with a more detailed budget then and I would absolutely include the student debt into the budget. Even though you aren't paying it atm pretend you are and really get to the bottom of how much money you have in excess each month.